EENOVA: Energy Efficiency in regioNal fOod Processing Value chAins (Reference: LIFE22-CET-EENOVA/101119476 | Acronym: LIFE22-CET-EENOVA) Project Summary: 

EENOVA is dedicated to addressing the key challenges associated with the food  chain’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Our primary objectives revolve around promoting energy-efficient solutions, evaluating and enhancing energy efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and simultaneously reducing the  carbon footprint within five regional value chains spanning five distinct food processing subsectors and countries. These value chains and their respective  locations are as follows: 

  • Bakery – Austria (AT)
  • Meat – Romania (RO)
  • Water and soft drinks – Lithuania (LT)
  • Winery – Bulgaria (BG)
  • Dairy – Slovenia (SI)

EENOVA’s overarching goal is to guide businesses operating within these value  chains towards the realisation and implementation of tailored energy-related  improvements. 

Our methodology revolves around harnessing the unique regional characteristics  of these value chains, primarily consisting of small and medium-sized enterprises  (SMEs) and larger enterprises (LEs). We achieve this by identifying common steps that promote awareness, collaboration, and the effective  implementation of energy-efficient practices among individual companies  belonging to specific food processing value chains. This focus on individual and interrelated conditions within the value chains takes into account the regional  variations in legislation, standardisation, and business environments. 

The expected energy-related impact of our intervention is significant. 

Drawing on the successes of our five case studies, EENOVA will develop an adaptable replication model that can be applied to other value chains within the  same or different regions and sectors. The adoption of this model will be facilitated through the active involvement of key stakeholders, including sector associations  and representatives from the finance sector. 

Furthermore, our project partners collaborate closely to identify innovative solutions that encompass technological enhancements, sustainable business 

models, and necessary policy measures. This collaboration is intended to bolster  the food processing subsectors, enabling them to embrace energy-efficient  practices and become energy-smart. 

Coordinator: ConPlusUltra (CPU) 

Contact person: Harald Grill 


List of Partners: 

  • Conplusultra Gmbh 
  • Business Upper Austria – Oo Wirtschaftsagentur Gmbh 
  • Energy Efficiency In Industrial Processes Asbl 
  • Kliynteh Bulgaria 
  • Agrifood Lithuania Dih 
  • Asociatia Clusterul Agro-Food-Ind Napoca 
  • Univerza V Ljubljani 
  • Inovacijsko-Razvojni Institut Univerze V Ljubljani 

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Twitter/X: @EENOVA_Project
LinkedIn: EENOVALink to EENOVA website (upcoming)