SME’s have been overlooked for a long time and only recently the spotlight has been put on them. Small and medium enterprises (SME’s) are seen as an untapped resource that can be leveraged to maximize the corporate capability.

The focus is not just on maximizing SME’s potential but also on scaling up their capability to provide more value to their clients. SME’s bring innovation, creativity, and agility which is in high demand in today’s world of hyper-competition.

About the project:

A three-dimensional SMEs – Clusters – Corporate ecosystem is established as part of EPICENTRE project in order to leverage SMEs’ innovative potential and scale up corporate ability. SMEs should be expected to develop innovative products that are market-ready.

In line with the Key Performance Areas of large industry players (KPAs), EPICENTRE supports high impact innovators SMEs in their cross-border/sectoral market development. This project provides access to dynamic and across-the-board acceleration frameworks, top business training and professional services, funding and global market exposure, in order to generate, take up and better capitalise on cutting-edge innovations’ growth and impact.

EPICENTRE will develop new cross-sectoral value chains between ICT, fintech, health, and agri-food industries for personalised nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and social resilience among EU citizens.

Through digitalization and fintech implementation in the agriculture and health sectors, EPICENTRE seeks to promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles among Europeans. In this way, we can develop a more digital and sustainable Europe.


Role of Agrifood Lithuania in EPICENTRE:

In the Agrifood/Health and Digital/Fintech sectors, three relevant EU clusters have already identified some interesting technologies. The Lithuanian representative in the European Cluster Alliance and expert Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė will be part of the LITMEA (Lithuanian representatives) team.

By building up the skills of cluster managers, we are able to provide better services for up-skilling, reskilling, and attracting talent. Business network collaboration will boost European SMEs’ internationalization beyond Europe by fostering international trade, investments, and partnerships.


Project website:


Project partners:

  1. Associacion Cluster Digital de Catalunya – Spain
  2. Disretto Technologico Campania Bioscience Scarl – Italy
  3. Lietuvos Maisto Eksportuotojų Asociacija (LITMEA) – Lithuania


EPICENTRE project aims to leverage SMEs’ potential and scale up corporate ability. It will develop new cross-sectoral value chains between ICT, fintech, health, and agrifood industries for personalised nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and social resilience. Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, the Lithuanian representative in the European Cluster Alliance, will be part of the LITMEA team to build up the skills of cluster managers.